Thursday, 11 December 2008

Travel Crimea

trip of the day SEVASTOPOL
- KHERSON - remnant from greek
-BALAKLAVA - lagoon with a romantic view port ( mcm porto kat portugal seh)
journey - 1hour 30 min , by bus 9am-10.30am

with steph

closed already ma!

introducing mr prince... wtf?

at balaklava , captain explaining the history of balaklava lagoon as a defensive unit occupied by secret gate and now functioning as a hangar.

at herson , church which is still remain until now , it was believed , a remnant from greek.

flying boy!

sevastopol , famous statue

dan aku.. hoho


LiTtLe DaMSeL*MuLtiVeRs said...

1st >>
dd mabuk laut...kwang3 =p

2nd >>
mane tau all de birds male? kikiki.....

3rd >>
i love frankfurt...... (@_@)

DR Yazeed Hair Johari said...

ok pandai.. :)